Innovation World Cup Conference 2016 | PARIS
Paris, France
For the first time the Innovation World Cup Conference will take place in Paris on the 10th of June 2016, as part of the Futur en Seine Festival.
For the first time the Innovation World Cup Conference will take place in Paris on the 10th of June 2016 from 9am to 12pm at the Auditorium de la Gaîté lyrique, as part of the Futur en Seine Festival. The Conference will be all about the Internet of Things, wearable technologies and cloud computing. International keyplayers like STMicroelectronics, Bosch Group, Telit, VARTA Microbattery, and Gemalto as well as innovative French companies and startups will be on stage presenting and demonstrating their latest tech-solutions!
The event is organized in cooperation with Cap Digital, Paris Region Entreprises, Team Côte d’Azur, Com4innov and AFNUM.
Futur en Seine is a 10 day-festival which attracts 55’000 visitors for demos, conferences, workshops and meetings all about innovation!
Please register here free of charge!