Refill Alert by Nicolas Pau


Hall of Fame

Refill Alert by Nicolas Pau

Refill Alert is the long-awaited solution for providing continuous Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) using bottled supplies. Consumers using these bottled supplies are responsible for physically monitoring the gas supply and notifying the gas supplier for a refill.

Refill Alert is a device that can be attached to LPG bottles to indicate when a minimum supply threshold has been reached. Refill Alert would then send an alert to the consumer on their cellphone or laptop using Bluetooth low energy technology. Consumers can then ring their gas suppliers for a refill without leaving the warmth and comfort of their home/office. This ensures continuity of supply for bottled gas systems. An additional safety feature may also be included to detect gas leakages and notify the consumers immediately. A future extension is to integrate Refill Alert with an external internet connection, so that gas suppliers can be directly notified without any effort from the consumer.