Hall of Fame

Around 270 Million football players and coaches worldwide do not have access to objective performance data. TRACKTICS, a startup from Frankfurt (Germany), is about to change that. Since 2004 the team around the two fouders, Ben Bruder and Patrick Haas, is working on the project. The performance- tracker of TRACKTICS allows every football
player to meassure their athletic performance on the pitch.
TRACKTICS provides information concerning the most relevant athletic data of football players, e.g.:
– Activity and distance
»»Overview of the overall activity during the game
»»Total time on the pitch
»»Distance covered during the game
– Speed zones and sprints
»»Maximum speed
»»Number of sprints
»»Classification of the speed: running, walking and inactive
»»Differing between progressive sprints, sprints in the direction of the game and sprints against the direction of the game
– Tactical behaviour
»»Offensive and defensive behaviour